My friend Drew posted a very interesting blog on fashion back in October. This article is relevant to the way people view fashion to this day!..Check it out . Find him on Fb (Drew Keys)..he has alot of other interesting notes/videos on there as well..Kisses!
Soo lately I've been annoyed. Because I've REALIZED a lot of people think fashion is just buying a bunch of name-brand bags throwing it on their arm and parading around telling everyone WHAT they've bought. And automatically becuase that person is wearing "Gucci" or "Prada".. they have fashion..WRONG. Yes Ralph Lauren started a new trend by bringing a new colorful look to mens ties in an era where everything was plain. And yes Gucci proved that even 5 decades after his own death that his design for handbags are still one of the most coveted. But I think too much has been put on just purchasing THIS and THAT and that's what makes you fashionable. And to me that isn't what fashion is!
To me honestly fashion is doing something that describes who you are accurately. You can tell so much about a person just by looking at the way they dress. Usually you can tell where their from, their temperament and if you watch them enough even their favorite color. So to me fashion first is an exact, clear interpretation of who you are. To me also fashion of course is a good coordination of colors. Soooooooo-so-so-so-so-so many people claim to be fashion divas and wear colors that clash! And there's a thing in art called a color wheel and it lays out the colors that go together.I mentioned this because there is a TECHNICAL way to match. Like the colors for lincoln? Orange and blue? Their considered complimentary colors.. and even though their nothing alike they bring eachother out. But some people who claim to have "fashion" don't even know this.
I didn't write this to be smart I just wrote this to say that fashion cannot be bought. It can't be layed on a rack and picked up. Fashion is being an individual and making WHATEVER you put on look good becuase what you buy and what you wear is a reflection of who you are. Now ask yourself again. Fashion is?...
Soo lately I've been annoyed. Because I've REALIZED a lot of people think fashion is just buying a bunch of name-brand bags throwing it on their arm and parading around telling everyone WHAT they've bought. And automatically becuase that person is wearing "Gucci" or "Prada".. they have fashion..WRONG. Yes Ralph Lauren started a new trend by bringing a new colorful look to mens ties in an era where everything was plain. And yes Gucci proved that even 5 decades after his own death that his design for handbags are still one of the most coveted. But I think too much has been put on just purchasing THIS and THAT and that's what makes you fashionable. And to me that isn't what fashion is!
To me honestly fashion is doing something that describes who you are accurately. You can tell so much about a person just by looking at the way they dress. Usually you can tell where their from, their temperament and if you watch them enough even their favorite color. So to me fashion first is an exact, clear interpretation of who you are. To me also fashion of course is a good coordination of colors. Soooooooo-so-so-so-so-so many people claim to be fashion divas and wear colors that clash! And there's a thing in art called a color wheel and it lays out the colors that go together.I mentioned this because there is a TECHNICAL way to match. Like the colors for lincoln? Orange and blue? Their considered complimentary colors.. and even though their nothing alike they bring eachother out. But some people who claim to have "fashion" don't even know this.
I didn't write this to be smart I just wrote this to say that fashion cannot be bought. It can't be layed on a rack and picked up. Fashion is being an individual and making WHATEVER you put on look good becuase what you buy and what you wear is a reflection of who you are. Now ask yourself again. Fashion is?...
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